Saturday, June 28, 2008

my happiness list

thanks for the inspiration chelsea :)


-the sound that my flip flops make when i walk really fast

-being cold when i sleep

-people watching. i like to make up stories about the lives of complete strangers


-that 'coexist' bumper sticker that everyone in the greater ypsi/ann arbor area seems to have


-remembering how it used to be



-giving people 41 cents change. it's one of each coin, very egalitarian

-taking myself out on dates. it's a lot less pressure and i'm very good company

-writing. even if nobody ever sees it (which is the case most of the time)

-random acts of kindness. today at work this guy paid for the order of the couple behind him. he had never met them before


-mini boxes of chocolate soy milk

-walks in the park

-listening to oldies in the car. windows must be down

-my tattoo

-sipping coffee (or tea, depending on my mood) out of those large round mugs


-laying in the grass on a warm summer day

-knowing that im making the right decision




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your list has reinspired me :)